Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Stevens Family - Christmas 2004

Christmas morning.

Mark on Christmas morning

Opening presents is so much fun!

David on Christmas morning.

Daivd enjoys piggy back rides on Grandpa Steven's back.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Self portrait of mommy & Mark.

The Edenfields came to visit and brought Buster the dog. David just loved to play in his cage!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Sleep Like This!

Daddy & Mark catch some zzzzzzz together.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

AFTER the haircut

AFTER... after mom got over the shock of David's haircut (she cried and cried) she realized that he looks soooooo cute!


Before anybody thinks that this site is entirely dedicated to David.... Here is a pic of Mark. He is such a good little baby!

Monday, December 13, 2004

David's First Haircut

Daivd gets his first haircut.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

BEFORE the haircut

BEFORE...well the time has finally arrived. David is finally going to get a hair cut! I've loved his beautiful blond locks, but it's time for him to look like a little boy!

David loves to hide in the cabinet. He clears out all of the baking pans and hides. He thinks that it is so much fun!

David LOVES all of the Chrismas lights. He gets up in the morning and runs around making sure that all of the lights are on. He loves to sit on the window sill and just stare at the lights.