Monday, October 31, 2005

What Fun He Had

David has such a great time trick-r-treatin'. In between each house he kept saying, "More Picker-Peats." I don't think that he was really motivated by the candy. He was motivated to get to each house to 1) ring the doorbell 2) try to run in the house & explore & 3) to see if they had a dog. He's still not excited about the candy. Now Mark on the other hand....

Mark After the Candy

Mark has quite the little sweet tooth. He was so sticky after trick-or-treating. He just would not let go of his sucker. Now any time he sees a lollipop stick he gets sooooo excited!

Yee-Haw Mark

Mark was also a cowboy. But, since he has began walking around, pictures are becoming increasingly more difficult! There was just no bribing Mark to wear his hat. If you have had any success bribing a one year old, please let me know.

Hee-Haw David!

David was a cowboy for Halloween. We had to bribe him with the dream of getting candy in order to get him to wear the hat!

Shannon the Ninja

Shannon had a great time trick-r-treatin' with David and Mark while poor Patrick spent 7 hours in the emergency room. ( No actual emergency... it's a long story :0 )

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Mark on the Go!

What a cutie! Mark is up and running around. He is so happy to be able to run after David.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Happy 1st Birthday Mark

Daddy & Mark getting ready for the big day.

Mark's 1st birthday party was so much fun! We planned & planned. It seemed like the day would never get here. Once it was here, it just flew by! Now I'm just sitting here wondering, what will I plan now?

Bella helps with the cake

Cousin Bella helps Mark with his cake. (He got plenty of help with his cake.)

Big brother helps Mark with his cake.

Mark & his cake

Mark digs into his little birthday cake.

Cowboy David

David is practicing for his future career as a rodeo bull rider.

Grandma & Mark

Grandma & Mark

Now that's a nice buckle!

Mommy & Daddy in their western duds. Check out Sean's authentic belt buckle (thank you ebay.) It's 5 1/2' wid & is complete with an initial S. Yee-Haw Cowboy! Interestingly enough, Sean said that I might not like what I started. He as really enjoyed wearing his new cowboy boots around town. Although he was sad when he went to Wal-Mart & nobody seemed to notice him in his hat & belt buckle. What do you expect? We live in South Carolina!

Mark on his big day

Mark didn't quite know what to think about the party. He had tons of fun crawling around all of the kids.

David Goes West

David havin' some fun in the wild-wild west ghost town.

Aunt Amy & Isaac

Aunt Amy & Isaac

Stevens Corral

Welome to the Stevens' Corral


Close-up of the centerpieces

Cowgirl Janna

Aunt Jennifer & Janna havin' some fun.

Magic Man

Grandpa's WANTED poster

Coffee Pot

Grandma's WANTED poster

Birthday Boy

Mark's WANTED poster

Wild Boy

We made WANTED posters for some family members & hung them around the tent. Here is David's.

Hee Haw Nathan!

Uncle Nathan joins in on the fun.

Thanks Amanda

A special thank you to Amanda. Without her help, I could not have had Mark's birthday party!! (The pic is of Amanda & her mom Betty)

It's Party Time

The tent is set up, the tables ready... now where are all of the guests?

Our "Pony"

I had to control my party planning urges & not get the real ponies. Instead we had a realy saddle. The kids had tons of fun on it.

Wild Wild West

Stevensville.... a wild-wild west ghost town.

David Helps Out

David helps Daddy set up for Mark's big party.